Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Auction Results: Oregon Wants Adlai

This bright yellow pin recently sold in Anderson Americana #170. You might be surprised that it came in well over $800 dollars when buyers auctions fees are included. It just goes to show that you never know about some pins until long after the election is over.

It is unclear which election this from. Stevenson was a candidate in both 1952 and 1956, and was even a strong write-in candidate by adoring supporters in 1960.

 This is one 3" celluloid pin that would have gotten your attention regardless of the election. Still not enough of these were worn to carry Oregon in either '52 or '56. The ticket of Stevenson-Sparkman lost 60%-38% to Ike and Nixon in '52. Stevenson and Keafuver did better, but not enough to win in '56 here in Oregon. They lost 55%-44% to Ike and Nixon.

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