This article appeared in The Victoria Advocate shortly after the 1952 presidential election. For some perspective; that was over 60 years ago. Even as far back as then, political collectors had thousands of items in their collections. Joe Fuld is the APIC member featured in this article.
From Political Collectors dot com |
HAILEY, Idaho, Dec 4. The "I like Ike" button or the "Stevenson for president" pin you sported durin the presidential campaign isn't worth a continental now--except to Joe Fuld and his fellow members of the American Political Item Collectors Association.
Fuld, who is president of the collectors association, has the den of his home lined with cases of political insignia. He has more than 3,000 campaign buttons, banners and pins, dating as far back as the 1840 election. One of his four items from that campaign carries William H. Harrisson's famed slogan "Tippercanoe and Tyler too."